Mike and Diana catching motos from our property!

Adera with Karen...Skyping for church!

The Rock Wall!

I am so excited to show you these photos of our property which shows the dry-stacked/chain link fencing the hired workers, the team and our ladies have been tirelessly working on. In 2008, a portion of the dry-stacking had begun but we were not able to complete it until now. Talk about manual labor. Our land is kind of mounded with volcanic rocks throughout the property. Most of the rocks needed to build the dry-stack walls are actually being dug out of the ground. On average, these are about 12 x 12 x 6 and weigh about 5 lbs. each...and everyone but the muzungos are carry them to the wall on their heads. At the back of our property we are using chain link fencing. This has required that 26 “narrow and deep holes be dug for pouring and setting the concrete that has to be mixed with sand in a wheel barrel. Given the typography of the property, it is a tremendous amount of work to do with limited amount of available tools. Thank goodness for all of our worker-bees on this team!
I have personally been so blessed to watch our team, our ladies and some of the local community working on this project. On average, there have been about 20 people working...and about 50 people... and a few goats watching! It has been a true testimony to the power of God and the power of his love.
On Tuesday, Molly and I traveled by bus to Kigali to meet with the drilling contractors and sign the contract for the well! They are currently finishing another project and should be able to start our well next Thursday. It should take anywhere from 4-7 days to complete. We are praying that the team will be able to witness the completion before beginning their very long journey home.
Thank you for your prayers and encouragement!
In His service,
Mike, Diana and everyone. Little by little by little you all have worked with each other to see this slowly be built and trust God throughout the whole process and encouragement that with God all things are possible. Continuing to pray that everyone gets to witness the well being built! continuing to pray.
Sally Snyder
Mike, Diana & Team 2010, The 'Motos" is a neat photo! I am so impressed with the progress of the wonderful works being done there! The rock wall is looking good. Love seeing the oven & its results. The 'well' will certainly improve quality of life! It is so pleasing to see many happy smiling faces, due to God's Graces upon the people you are helping lift up & you all! I showed the elder folks at exercise for my continued PT where you all are in Rwanda. Everyone sends many blessings. Love & Hugs from Mike's "Mums" ~Maureen Whitaker Clifton, with many prayers in Lewis Center, Ohio - USA
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